Sociologie politique comparée de l'ouverture du mariage civil aux couples de même sexe en Belgique, en France et en Espagne: des spécificités nationales aux convergences transnationales | Háttér Társaság

Sociologie politique comparée de l'ouverture du mariage civil aux couples de même sexe en Belgique, en France et en Espagne: des spécificités nationales aux convergences transnationales

CímSociologie politique comparée de l'ouverture du mariage civil aux couples de même sexe en Belgique, en France et en Espagne: des spécificités nationales aux convergences transnationales
Közlemény típusaSzakdolgozat
Leadás éve2008
EgyetemUniversité libre de Bruxelles
TanszékSciences politiques
Leadás dátuma12/2008
Oldalak száma326
SzerzőPaternotte, D
AbsztraktThis dissertation looks at LGBT movements in Belgium, France and Spain through a double comparison (between cases and through time), which also takes into account transnational and international exchanges and influences. It investigates the simultaneous emergence and development of same-sex marriage claims in these countries, examining convergences in the content of the claims and the timing of protest. Therefore, it looks at convergences at the level of social movements, unlike most of the literature, which focuses on convergences in public policies. This specific research interests implies building an analytical model based on the literature on social movements, public policies and international relations (influence of international norms). It has also required a genealogical account of the development of same-sex marriage claims in each country from the end of the eighties until now. The comparison is based on the most different systems design method, and an extensive field work combining archives analysis and interviews has been carried out. This dissertation confirms the importance of taking into account international and transnational exchanges and influences to understand domestic politics, and insists on the crucial influence of transnational networking on social movements claims. It also discloses some cases of diffusion between social movements and shows how common characteristics and constraints may induce social movements to make similar but independent decisions. Discourses in favour of same-sex marriage have been carefully analysed, and the emergence of this claim has been put into a historical perspective. This implies a reflection on the transformations of the LGBT movement over the last thirty years. Finally, this dissertation interrogates the notion of sexual citizenship and examines the specific mechanisms through which access to citizenship has been proposed, discussing Judith Butler’s concept of resignification.
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