An error occured while parsing 0814769527 9780814769522 0814769535 9780814769539: Code is too short or too long Tropics of desire: interventions from queer Latino America | Háttér Társaság

Tropics of desire: interventions from queer Latino America

CímTropics of desire: interventions from queer Latino America
Közlemény típusaKönyv
Kiadás éve2000
KiadóNew York University Press
VárosNew York
Oldalak száma303
Sorozat címeSexual Cultures: New Directions from the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies
Nyelvangol, spanyol
SzerzőQuiroga, J
ISBN szám
Absztrakt"In Tropics of Desire, Quiroga reads hesitant Mexican poets as sex-positive voices, he questions how outing and identity politics can fall prey to the manipulations of the state, and explores how invisibility has been used as a tactical tool in opposition to the universal imperative to come out." "Drawing on diverse cultural examples such as the performance of bolero and salsa, film, literature, and correspondence, and influenced by masters like Roland Barthes, Walter Benjamin and a rich tradition of Latin American stylists, Quiroga argues for a politics that denies biological determinism and cannibalizes cultural stereotypes for the sake of political action."–Jacket.
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