Cím | Making change : Nordic examples of working towards gender equality in the media |
Közlemény típusa | Szerkesztett könyv |
Kiadás éve | 2014 |
Kiadó | Nordicom |
Város | Göteborg |
Oldalak szám | 216 |
Nyelv | angol |
Szerkesztők | Edström, M, Molster, R |
ISBN | 978-91-87957-00-0 |
Absztrakt | Who decides what you see on television? Which issues are important, and who gets to speak their mind in the news? How are women and men featured in texts, photos, computer games, advertising and movies? Questions like these are of great importance when it comes to gender equality in society, and therefore the media is a relevant sector to reach with gender mainstreaming efforts. The media can both hinder and accelerate the development towards gender equality. They can communicate results of gender equality efforts but can also contribute to the production of gender stereotypes. There is an increasing pressure on media to step up and take measures to ensure women’s access to the media industry and to combat gender stereotypes. The UN member states committed to this already in 1995 in the Beijing Platform for Action, but how gender equal is the media? Making Change. Nordic Examples of Working Towards Gender Equality in the Media presents a collection of inspiring media practices in the Nordic region and a compilation of comparative data on gender equality in the Nordic media sector (film, journalism, advertising and computer games). Contributing authors are representatives from academia, civil society, activism and industry. Contents Preface. Gender equality in the media – is there a Nordic way? Maria Edström, Ulrika Facht & Ragnhild Mølster FILM The Nordic celluloid ceiling Anne Gjelsvik Counting heads and keeping an eye on the content Terese Martinsson Gender equality in Swedish film Johan Fröberg Making change or at least letting things happen Marjo Valve Let us move the world forward together! Agnete G. Haaland Doris Film – the struggle for an equal film industry Lisa Lindén A-rating: A campaign for women’s representation in film Ellen Tejle JOURNALISM Nordic journalism with gender parity and problems Maria Edström It all takes effort – notes from K2 and beyond Suzanne Moll Gender equality in the newsroom Gunnar Falck Gendering television – time and counting matters Lotta Strömland News from a feminist perspective Anna-Klara Bratt Being female in a man’s mediaworld – an ’I’ story Kristin Helle-Valle Twenty years of training in women’s leadership Cecilia Zadig COMPUTERGAMES ‘Start telling the story of female gamers and developers’ Johanna Koljonen Donna – inclusive game development by example Isabella Billgren, Mathilda Bjarnehed & Jenny Brusk Empowering girls through technology Andrea Hasselager & Nevin Erönde Gender and computer games in the construction of identity Silje Hommedal ADVERTISING Nordic regulation of gender discriminatory advertisements Eva-Maria Svensson Towards an industry in balance 2020 Christina Gillberg Taking action against retouched advertisements Runa Fjellanger The great Scandinavian gender war Anne Glad INITIATIVES Women experts exist! Danish KVINFO leads the way Anita Frank Goth Visual communication in higher education Joanna Rubin Dranger & Johanna Lewengard A Nordic project about counteracting antifeminism Ole Bredesen Nordfjell Twenty-two years of media activism Maria Jacobson Media and business women in Iceland Þórdís LóaÞórhallsdóttir Equalisters – crowdsourcing for diversity Aurora Percovich Gutierrez Queering Sápmi – indigenous stories beyond the norm Elfrida Bergman & Sara Lindquist NORDIC GENDER AND MEDIA FORUM SEMINARS Film seminar: The Nordic film industry remains male dominated Journalism seminar: The gap – on gender equality in journalism Gaming seminar: Where are the females in the gaming industry? Advertising seminar: Stereotypical images in the urban space The Bergen Conference: Time to step up STATISTICS ON GENDER AND MEDIA compiled by NORDICOM Information about the data Ulrika Facht Tables and figures RESOURCES Nordic doctoral dissertations on gender & media International commitments and resources |
Kulcsszavak | monográfia média Észak-Európa szexuális irányultság nemi identitás LMBTQI |
Gyűjtemény | Szakirodalom |
LMBT vonatkozás | főtéma |
Raktári jelzet | mak/eds |
Archívumban elérhető | igen |
Linkek |