Sexual Minority Stress, Depressive Symptoms, and Sexual Orientation Conflict: Focus on the Experiences of Bisexuals | Háttér Társaság

Sexual Minority Stress, Depressive Symptoms, and Sexual Orientation Conflict: Focus on the Experiences of Bisexuals

CímSexual Minority Stress, Depressive Symptoms, and Sexual Orientation Conflict: Focus on the Experiences of Bisexuals
Közlemény típusaFolyóirat cikk
Kiadás éve2009
FolyóiratJournal of Social and Clinical Psychology
ÉvfolyamVol. 28
SzámNo. 8
SzerzőLewis, RJ, Derlega, VJ, Brown, D, Rose, S, Henson, JM

The current study answers a need to provide information about bisexual as differ-
entiated from gay/lesbian individuals and to increase understanding of the sexual

minority stress experienced by bisexual individuals. Men and women who identi-
fied themselves as either bisexual or exclusively Lesbian/Gay (LG) were recruited

nationwide and completed questionnaire measures of stressors associated with

sexual orientation, openness about sexual orientation, conflict about sexual ori-
entation, and depressive symptoms. Bisexual participants were younger and more 

likely to be female compared to LG participants. Bisexuals reported more conflict
regarding their sexual orientation, were less open about their sexual orientation,
and reported less minority stress associated with violence and discrimination.

There were no differences in depressive symptoms for bisexual vs. LG partici-
pants. Bisexuals who were more open reported more conflict about their sexual

orientation. Bisexuals who reported more stress associated with violence, harass-
ment, and discrimination also reported more distress. Given the differences that

emerged between LG vs. bisexual participants, future research should consider
the importance of differentiating bisexual from LG individuals. Furthermore, this

research provides evidence that sexual minority stress and openness about sex-
ual orientation are important considerations in understanding the psychological

functioning of bisexual individuals.

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