resource kit for rainbow families | Háttér Társaság

resource kit for rainbow families

Címresource kit for rainbow families
Közlemény típusaEgyéb
Kiadás éve2015
SzerzőTomlins, J, Families, OUT

OUTspoken Families came out of my experience of raising three children in a
rainbow family for the past twelve years. There are many things that my family
share with other families: we all have to adjust to the changes children bring to
our lives; we all want our kids to grow up secure, healthy and happy; we all worry
and hope and fear. And we all have to deal with nits and homework and fghts
over screen time.
But there are some things that are unique to rainbow families; small day-to-day
challenges and bigger questions and concerns. OUTspoken Families aims to
address those diferences. Over a period of twelve months, I spoke with a broad
range of parents on all sorts of subjects. Their ideas, suggestions and advice –
their collective wisdom – form the basis of this resource.
So much of what I’ve learnt about parenting my kids has come from
conversations with other same-sex parents – there are no magazines or websites
or books about raising a rainbow family. OUTspoken Families is like having all
those conversations gathered together in one place.
OUTspoken Families provides a snapshot of how we, as a community, are faring
in this particular time and place. To have that on record is important for our
community and important for the world. We need honest and accurate stories of
our experience to refect the past and help us step confdently into the future.
I also hope this resource will be of value to service providers who work with
rainbow families. I hope it will provide them with insight and understanding and
answer some of the questions they are too nervous or embarrassed to ask.
Most of all, I hope it will give them the confdence to ofer their LGBTI clients a
respectful and informed service.
Many people in the public sphere talk about our families and make statements
that come from a place of ignorance. It’s important that we continue to challenge
those statements and the people who make them. Our collective voice needs
to be louder than the collective voice of those who rail against us. OUTspoken
Families is flled with courageous voices that speak loudly and proudly and do
exactly that.

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