Cím | Human Rights of LBTIQ Women in Ukraine |
Közlemény típusa | Szerkesztett könyv |
Kiadás éve | 2019 |
Kiadó | United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) |
Város | New York |
Oldalak szám | 44 |
Nyelv | angol |
Szerkesztők | Women, UN |
Absztrakt | In recent years, Ukraine has seen an increased public awareness of violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people (LGBTIQ) and a rising demand to respect human rights free from limitations on any grounds. The publication Human Rights of Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Women in Ukraine provides an overview of the UN and national human rights instruments on the rights of LBTIQ women and a summary of the situation with respect to their rights in Ukraine. While the entire LGBTIQ community faces discrimination, violence, social exclusion and marginalization this brochure focuses specifically on LBTIQ women following the recommendations outlined in the Concluding observations on the eighth periodic report of Ukraine on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW is also relevant to LBTIQ women's issues in Ukraine as it contains important provisions for advancing gender equality and equips state parties with the tools to promote the full realization of all women’s human rights. Prepared by UN Women and LGBTIQ NGO Insight, the publication aims to support the civil society activists advocating for the integration of LGBTIQ rights into Ukrainian legislation and policies. The UN Women CEDAW in Action! Project, financed by Global Affairs Canada, provided technical and financial support to the publication. |
Kulcsszavak | jelentés Ukrajna jog gyűlölet-bűncselekmény diszkrimináció leszbikusok transznemű nő interszexuális biszexuális nő |
Gyűjtemény | Szakirodalom |
LMBT vonatkozás | főtéma |
Raktári jelzet | hum/unw |
Archívumban elérhető | igen |