Cím | Homosexuality |
Közlemény típusa | Könyv |
Kiadás éve | 1969 |
Kiadó | Penguin Books |
Város | London |
Oldalak száma | 286 |
Nyelv | angol |
Szerző | West, DJ |
Absztrakt | Already regarded as the classic exposition of the problems of homosexuality, this book, in its new edition of 1968, contains large additions and revisions, particularly on the subject of lesbianism. It can now claim to be the most exhaustive and authoritative account of its difficult subject in print. The recent liberalization of the law on homosexuality in Great Britain reinforces the need for an up-to-date work which handles an emotionally-charged theme coolly and factually in the light of modern knowledge. A summary of the facts about homosexual behaviour in primitive communities, in historical times, and among animals, leads on to a review of the social, legal, and moral problems, which are personified in two typical case-histories. Endocrine, biological and psychological theories are all considered in a survey of the possible causes of homosexuality, and Dr West concludes with suggestions for checking homosexuality and advice on the treatment of the confirmed homosexual. |
Kulcsszavak | monográfia szexológia orvostudomány LMBTQI |
Gyűjtemény | Szakirodalom |
LMBT vonatkozás | főtéma |
Raktári jelzet | wes/hom |
Archívumban elérhető | igen |
Linkek |